Hi Everybody,
Sorry it's been a few weeks since we wrote anything, but a lot's been going on in PBBB-land. We wrapped up a very successful summer tour schedule with a BBQ celebrating all that's been accomplished this summer. We rocked RIJF, made thousands of new friends and fans, launched a new website and new merch line, and had a lot of fun doing it. Now it's time for fall!
Now, I love the summer in upstate NY. The southern boy in me enjoys the days in the 80s up at the lake, the BBQs, the midnight pina coladas on the porch with the neighbors and the bonfires, but my heart is really with the fall up here. The air turns crisp, the nights get chilly the leaves turns beautiful shades and everybody gets a little closer ;-)
With the fall comes something new for the PBBB. We're hitting the road. Now we've taken road trips before to Pennsylvania and throughout NY. But we've never actually toured longer than a day. In October we'll be embarking on a tour covering upstate NY, PA, and making our debut in NYC! We're all very excited about this and have been hard at work in rehearsals and in preparations for the trip. Be sure to stay tuned to our blog as we'll be updating it daily with pictures and little notes about our travels.
I've gotta say that I'm very excited about what the future holds. We're working on some new material and planning a few future tours, including a big one in the spring and a few small ones in the winter. We're also working on a new clinic/lecture that we'll be presenting to schools and universities while on our travels. Entitled "Is Your Music Ready For the Street?", the presentation will focus on music entrepreneurship, composition/arranging, freelancing resources, and technology in performance practice. We believe strongly in the 'pay it forward' aspect of being musicians. And we want to see lots more brass funk rock bands out there spreading the gospel.
Oh, and sit tight Rochester. We have a few cool things in store. We'll have a major show at Lovin' Cup on October 24th with special guests Mosaic Foundation. They're a brand new reggae band to the area with tons of killer vibes to spare. They're amazing and we know you'll love them. We'll also have another Abilene date up soon for sure.
The pic is of Nick shredding at our Back To School Labor Day THROWDOWN at Lovin' Cup on September 5th. Enjoy!