Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The PBBB Launches a Kickstarter Fundraiser!

The PBBB is just about set to release their new album, Intergalactic Mustache Parade. There's only one issue! They need your help!

As we all know, the music business is constantly changing. The influence of the almighty record label over the industry has all but vanished, leaving a great opportunity in its wake. You, the fan, can now pick and choose what you believe to be good music and worthy of your support. And you can do this in an intimate way which has never before been possible. The Po'Boys Brass Band has recently launched a fundraiser through the website This is a new interactive website which allows fans to make direct contributions to their favorite artists' various projects. We've seen several other bands which we love succeed in the releasing their music independently because of this great tool.

We hope you'll take a second to watch this video for more info:

If you're interested in helping, CLICK ON THIS LINK!

Thanks so much!